Madison Infant Daycare Overview
Li’l Lambs and Puggles classrooms are a world of wonder and exploration that invites these young ones to experience life and learning in a variety of ways. Madison day care centers are not all created equal. Our goal is to create something special and unique in the Madison area that exceeds expectations in facility, teachers, quality of care and learning opportunities. We realize day care in Madison, WI is especially important to families when one of the parents is unable to stay home with their child. We strive to create and maintain a safe, nurturing environment for the infants that are under our care. We also seek to provide more than simply day care.
Our teachers in the Li’l Lambs and Puggles infant classrooms support developmental milestones with each child as they learn and grow through their first year. Our priority for each day is creating a unique and stimulating environment of play, music, and language repetition, including the use of stories, blocks, table toys, music and movement as well as outside activities and playtime. Our teachers will use teachable moments to encourage learning and independence, while each child explores using all their senses and abilities.
Our facility features two infant classrooms that are filled with caring and enthusiastic teachers. Our infant childcare in Madison provides an innovative program that is filled with activities which cater to each infant’s individual interests and needs.
Learning to communicate and developing gross motor skills are huge achievements in the life of an infant. Here at Kids Junction Learning Center in Madison WI, the achievements of each child are encouraged and celebrated.
Our goal is to be among the top daycare centers in Madison, going beyond expectations year after year.